Local Monitoring for Any Solar Inverter

Sep 10, 2024

Local Monitoring for Any Solar Inverter
Transform your TIME or SKY devices into an Energy Monitoring Hub with our brand-new app. You can now pair your LaMetric device with any compatible energy meters (e.g., Shelly EM or Shelly 3EM) to monitor your PV system data at a glance and store up to 10 years of historical data locally.

Balcony PV System

The new Energy Monitoring Hub app supports three types of PV systems: parallel, backup, and balcony. For parallel and balcony systems, install the supported energy meter clamps on both the solar and grid cables. For backup systems, place them on the load and grid cables. Then, link the energy meter inside the Energy Monitoring Hub app and enjoy.

Backup PV System

It works with any inverter, including Fronius, SolaX Power, Kostal, Enphase, Huawei, Hoymiles, Ecoflow, Deye, and others.

Glance and Save with Real-time Energy Data

Glance and Save with Real-time Energy Data

When your entire family sees real-time energy metrics—such as consumption, production, and grid balance—they start to change their consumption patterns. They turn off lights when not in use or begin dishwashing when there is a PV surplus.

It's like NAS for 10 years' worth of Data

It's like NAS for 10 years' worth of Data

The storage capacity of TIME or SKY devices is sufficient to save up to 10 years of energy data, giving you peace of mind that your data is securely under your control.

Analyse Energy Data

Analyse Energy Data

Track power data across the day inside the mobile app and at a glance on LaMetric devices.

Track power data across the day inside the mobile app and at a glance on LaMetric devices.

Analyze hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly energy data in detail. Determine the percentage of solar energy used for self-consumption. Review PV-surplus moments. Assess the amount of energy exported to the grid.

Everything Happens within Your Local Network

Everything Happens within Your Local Network

Get More Value Than Existing Solutions

Get More Value Than Existing Solutions

Compatibility: Supported on TIME (production 2022+) and SKY
Supported Energy Meters: Shelly EM, Shelly 3EM, Shelly Pro 3EM, Shelly Pro EM-50
Beta version: The app is in Beta mode; please report all issues and improvements to [email protected]. We welcome all suggestions.

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