Never miss lunchtime with an eye-catching meal reminder on your desk clock

déc 18, 2019

Have you ever been in the situation when you get so busy at work that you can hardly remember to have lunch? And have you ever tried to set meal reminders on your smartphone and found out at the end of the day that they didn’t work at all? Well, in that case, we have something in common

My name is Andrew and I would like to share my experience of using the LaMetric TIME smart clock to set important reminders with you. Since my working schedule is quite tight and stressful, it is very important for me to eat healthily. By this, I mean not only eating healthy food, but also to follow my healthy eating plan. 

It is quite difficult to remember everything during the day, especially when it comes to nutrition. That’s why I always set reminders on my smartphone. However, my phone gets overloaded with notifications from social media and emails. And, as a result, I don’t pay enough attention to the reminder notifications that constantly pop up. I used to have a daily 12:00 PM reminder to go for lunch, but I often ignored it. Because of that, in the middle of the day, I felt exhausted, unproductive and couldn’t concentrate on work. I realized that such behavior doesn’t let me stay healthy at the office and can lead to further problems with health, so I decided to do something about that. 

Guy forgets to have a lunch

One day I saw a LaMetric Time smart clock ad talking about the most versatile smart clock in the world with an ability to set reminders, so I bought it.  

Reminders app is definitely a perfect solution for people trying to eat healthy and on time at the office. I understood it the minute I placed LaMetric TIME on my work desk and set a daily reminder to have lunch with LaMetric’s app “Reminders”. Notifications that pop up with this app are so noticeable and eye-catching that it is impossible to miss them or mix-up with simple notifications. Thanks to the burger icon, which comes up on the screen along with the text, I immediately realize that a reminder is about my lunch!

So, after a week of using LaMetric Reminders app, I realized that I started eating healthy and on time and never missed my lunch. That helped me to stay focused, work productively during the day, and to feel energized and healthy. 

Guy uses LaMetric TIME for reminders notifications

When we feel daily tense at work and have lots of tasks and meetings, it is easy to forget to have lunch on time. LaMetric Time Reminder app is a perfect solution to keep yourself organized and remember about essential things. With this app, you can get visible and eye-catching meal reminders that will pop up on your desk clock reminding to have lunch and helping to stay productive during the whole day.

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