Use less paper and keep your business sustainable with Message board app

12月 8, 2019

Owning a business requires lots of attention to details. Especially today, when it’s highly important to use a sustainable approach, even if it’s a small shop. 

My name is Marisa. I’d like to share my experience of using LaMetric TIME in my shop. I’ve dreamt about a vegan shop for years. I was working on the concept, searching for the suppliers, looking for furniture and finally created a shop of my dreams. My philosophy is to live in harmony with nature, so I’m trying to follow this rule in all spheres of my life. 

Shop uses too many paper

One day I realized that we use too much paper in our shop to inform clients about special offers and the newest deals. So I started to search for some eco-friendly alternatives. I knew about LaMetric smart clock before, but I never thought of it as an alternative way to display information. But after accurate research, I found out that this clock can display almost any information you want, including custom messages.

So I bought Lametric TIME before Christmas and started using it as a display for my shop offers. I set up a Message Board app and changed the messages every day, depending on special offers of the day. My clients loved this approach very much and started posting photos of my space on social media. As a result, a number of new clients has grown and still continues to grow. I’m very surprised by the number of people constantly visiting my eco friendly shop because of this small shift to sustainability. I highly recommend LaMetric TIME to all shop owners! 

Using less paper in shop thanks to the custom messages on smart clock

Keeping a business sustainable and profitable requires lots of skills and determination. But even the smallest change in some crucial business processes can lead to great results. 

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