Energy Display for Solar-Log

Monitor key energy metrics at a glance. Make energy data available without unlocking a smartphone, visible throughout all your space. Save costs by changing consumption patterns.

Keep an eye on main metrics of your solar plant: production, consumption, grid balance. Assess your investments by checking total energy generated. Be proud of your impact on the environment.

Keep an eye on main metrics of your solar plant: production, consumption, grid balance. Assess your investments by checking total energy generated. Be proud of your impact on the environment.

Analyze your daily, monthly, yearly production and consumption. Check input production, inverter efficiency and plant performance.

Activate Modbus-TCP on your Solar-Log gateway. Enter the IP address of your Solar-Log gateway in the LaMetric mobile app. Choose Solar-Log metrics you would like to display on your LaMetric TIME or SKY smart display. Enjoy real-time data at-a-glance!
The Data belongs to Customers and No One Else

Benefits of Using Solar-Log Together with LaMetric

Working Models & Benefits for PV Installer