The final touches before a big release
Dear LaMetric Backers,
We hope you all are in good health and having a good time during the beautiful fall season. Today, we are thrilled to share with you the latest updates and improvements on LaMetric SKY.
As you know from the previous update, we have launched the manufacturing of the molds for plastic parts of the product, improved the software by adding a possibility to apply a surface style to the shape and created the “Flags of the World” light effect, for those, who would like to light up their space with the country flag colors. In this update, we would like to provide you with the latest news, our progress and recent product improvements!
The iOS app is up and running
Our software team came a long way and worked hard to make the LaMetric SKY app run smoothly and user-friendly. And today we are happy to announce that the iOS app is officially finished, approved by Apple and ready to use!

Please check a brief app screencast below.
In parallel with the iOS app, the team has been developing the Android app, which is currently under the last amendments and final preparation before submission to Google.
Ensuring the best user experience on each shape
Since LaMetric SKY can be assembled in dozens of beautiful shapes, and it has a bunch of unique light effects, we needed to make sure that all of them look perfect, regardless of the shape. Therefore, our lead engineer developed a simulator, which helped us to test each light effect and quickly catch all inaccuracies. Check out the video below!
Also, here is a picture of our software team working in the office and testing the software on the SKY prototypes.
A step forward in the “Flags of the World” light effect
During the last months, our team also improved the existing “Flags of the World” light effect, adding the possibility to manually change the flag size and move the flag so that it looks perfect on any assembled shape. Also, it’s now possible to simultaneously display several flags in order to symbolize the commonwealth of nations. Check out the video from our simulator below!
More versatility with lots of patchwork quilts, you can change every day
In addition to all existing light effects, surface styles and apps, we have created one more gorgeous light effect based on the patchwork quilts.

Historically, patchworks took various forms in many cultures. The block-style patchwork quilt became a "distinct expression" of nineteenth-century America, evolving into a representative folk art that is still widely produced today. The design of patchwork quilts can be geometric and formal or imaginative and since the SKY looks like a pixelated canvas, we were delighted to add patchworks to the arsenal of our beautiful light effects. Choose among the dozens of unique quilts or give them a custom look, playing with their colors. Check out the photos of some stunning patchworks from our office prototype below.
Pilot plastic batch to polish molds
On the other hand, we have already launched a pilot plastic batch to check how the parts work together and polish the molds. This is the most expensive part of the manufacturing process and since there are as many as 6 molds, this job is done very carefully and meticulously in order to reach the best quality look of the product when it’s turned off and perfect user experience. Here are the photos of some molds and plastic parts produced with their help.
Most of the components for the first batch are already in stock
Despite the continuous worldwide chip shortage, we have managed to purchase most of the components needed for manufacturing of the first batch. Now, we are just waiting for the several last ones, which should be delivered to our factory within the next couple of weeks (due to the chip shortage some suppliers delay delivery). Here are the images of the invoices, which indicate the purchase of some components for manufacturing.
P. S. The images are blurred due to confidential purposes.
Once all the molds are completed polishing and after receiving the last components from the suppliers, we will finally become unlocked to manufacture the first batch of the most versatile lighting ever created and deliver it to your homes!
The reality of remote mass production
As you already know from the previous update, the whole manufacturing process is going remotely and unfortunately, it causes some unpredicted difficulties and delays. We hoped to get Chinese visas this Summer to speed up the manufacturing, but due to the continuous COVID-19 force-majeure it was not possible(however, we are vaccinated with 2 shots!). One of the biggest challenges is that even the smallest hardware improvement requires a decent amount of time. Due to the inability of the team to be present in China, we need to wait for a sample of a certain plastic part of the product to be produced by our manufacturing partner and then sent to our R&D office. And only after that we can test it and make the necessary adjustments, which will be furtherly taken into account for the next iteration.
However, we can assure you that every improvement is vital in order to get the highest quality product at the very end and now, we are definitely close to the finish line! The tremendous work has been already dedicated to LaMetric SKY, and we are working extremely hard to finally release the product and deliver it to your homes. Here are some photos of the huge amount of prototypes in our office we tested during the whole Research&Development journey and the product gift box we are working on right now.
We would like to stress that the whole manufacturing process is moving stably, it just takes more time due to the remote type of work. Our team has already gone through a truly long path from the product idea to its implementation and now, we just need a little bit more time in order to make a very last step to finally manufacture the first batch and make you the first happy owners of a truly unique and stunning lighting product.
We would like to sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting for so long, and we promise that we are doing everything in our power in order to finish the manufacturing process and deliver the SKY to your home as soon as possible. Due to the chip shortage, we don’t want to set a specific date for the product delivery, however, we will preliminarily notify each of you in person by email once we are ready to ship out. We ask for your understanding, patience and loyalty, and we are sure that you will be thrilled with the final result and shine your space with the beauty of LaMetric SKY very soon!
With love,
LaMetric Team